Network Spinal Care- Dancing with the Waves Towards Wellness


Network Spinal is a low force chiropractic technique using breath and body awareness developed by Dr. Donny Epstein. Soft, precise, light touch to your spine helps signal the brain to unwind spinal cord tension and create new wellness promoting strategies.  This allows for improved movement of the breath and decreased overall tension in the muscles, spinal vertebrae and nervous system. Everything is energy, and this gentle method of care creates a vibrational wave along the spine to harmonize and synchronize the breath.  One of the results is that you feel at ease and in greater flow with your life.

With traditional manual chiropractic care, the tension that builds up in the body is released with adjustments to the spinal joints, providing immediate relief.  However, this tension often returns quickly because the repetitive stressors in our lives cause the body’s natural mechanism to guard and protect itself. On the other hand, in Network Spinal care, the existing, bound-up tension is used as fuel to shift body holding patterns and to provide lasting changes in the neural circuitry.  This reorganizational healing technique is revolutionary! It actually creates new strategies so that your body is able to adapt and manage the stress that it encounters daily.

The reason I know this methodology works, is because I have experienced first hand the changes in my spine after receiving Network Spinal care.  I have been a dancer my whole life and as a young girl, put my spine through many demands. I trained in a classical Indian dance form called Bharathanatyam, which has many yoga based postures.  I performed regularly on stage and was required to move into difficult poses in time to the music, wearing restrictive yet beautiful costumes. (ie. not yoga pants!)  Over the years, I had developed areas of my back that were constantly so taut and would experience a lot of tightness.  Only after I started getting regular chiropractic care during school, did I realize how much muscular tension I was holding.  My classmates joked that I had a back of steel! I was receiving regular adjustments and I would feel great, but I noticed the same problem areas return again and again and I couldn't understand why it would never change.  


A few years into practice, I was fortunate to be working in a clinic where a colleague was solely practicing Network Spinal technique.  This doctor introduced me to such amazing light touch technology that I had only been exposed to once before, as there are a smaller number of practitioners using this type of care. She helped solve the puzzle of why my tension patterns kept recurring even with routine manual chiropractic adjustments.  I was lucky enough to experience Network Spinal care consistently and everything in my spine shifted.  I noticed that the usual spots weren't tender anymore and I didn't feel the same tension or trigger points (knots) any longer.  I realized how much better I could breathe and how my spine became more flexible and moved with ease.  The benefits of this revolutionary care were evident.  It also completely changed the way I practice, thanks to her sharing and providing my care while mentoring me and helping me expand my skills after completing some training seminars.  Now I ensure that every client receives this magical method during their visit so that new strategies for healing and wellbeing can be developed.

Network Spinal care allows you to breathe better, improves your posture, and brings a more positive outlook on life.  It also brings resilience to the nervous system, allowing you to bounce back from injuries or sickness faster. This cutting edge and energetic method of care is safe and effective for all ages, from wee little newborn babies to urban professionals, from athletes to pregnant women to senior citizens.  This technique helps amplify the effects of any other treatments you are receiving in conjunction. I have had the pleasure of utilizing this wonderful type of care on a wide range of patients, with delightful results that sometimes even supersede expectations. 

Over the years in my practice, I have seen some of the most profound healing results coming from the lightest, energetic touch.  I encourage everyone to try this next level care. Come and feel for yourself! It would be an honour to serve you, soften your spinal tension and help you breathe in bliss.

—Dr. Anita Rajan