Service Offerings
Chiropractic care
Chiropractic is an effective system of holistic healing which literally means practice done by hand (Greek: Chiro-hand, Practikos-practice). Specific adjustments are made to the spine in order to create proper alignment and posture. This in turn facilitates optimal functioning of your nervous system.
Network Spinal Analysis is a low force chiropractic technique using breath and body awareness. Soft, precise, light touch to your spine helps cue the brain to unwind spinal cord tension and create new wellness promoting strategies. The result is improved movement of the breath and decreased overall tension in the muscles and spinal vertebrae.
Click here to learn more about Chiropractic care and Network Spinal technique.
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate various physiological and therapeutic effects. It's based on the concept of balancing the body's vital energy, known as "Chi," and regulating the flow of Chi through a system of energy pathways called meridians.
Click here to learn more about Acupuncture
Your life purpose is in your fingerprints and the lines in your hands actually mimic the neural pathways in your brain! Scientific Hand Analysis is a tool for self-discovery and the modern form of the ancient art of palmistry. Through a hand reading, we can reveal your life purpose and help you get on track to your highest self expression.
Click here to learn more about Scientific Hand Analysis
Essential oils have a very potent source of healing power and can have an incredible effect on our bodies. They are the life force energy of a plant and contain the ‘essence of’ the plant's fragrance. Essential oils work through our sense of smell and may have immediate results by shifting our physiology through inhalation or topical application.
Click here to learn more about Essential oils.
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words ‘ayus,’ meaning life and ‘veda,’meaning knowledge. Literally, Ayurveda means ‘the knowledge of life.’ It is regarded as one of the oldest forms of healthcare in the world and originated in India over five thousand years ago. The aim of this healing system is to prevent illness, protect health and prolong life. It is also the sister science to yoga.
Click here to learn more about Ayurveda
Yoga is the union of body and mind by utilizing the breath. It creates presence and peace of mind through a series of postures called asanas. Yoga is a movement meditation that allows the body to release areas of tension while fostering mindfulness and a deep inner connection with yourself.
Click here to learn more about Yoga
Meditation is a way to bring calmness and presence to your everyday. Creating a daily routine of meditation allows the mind to focus, gain clarity and develop awareness. A regular meditation practice allows you to respond, rather than react to situations that arise. It is also a way to get grounded, feel peaceful and bring intention to your day.